BGUG第十八次活动 – 咖啡小聚,自由探讨

本月的例行活动将尝试以另外一种新的方式,我们将举办一个小型聚会, 聚会的人数尽量限制在8人以内,没有固定的topic和speaker,大家可以自由畅所欲言。

  • 时间: 2010年4月29日 19:00
  • 地点[已取消]: 原点咖啡屋(the point coffee), 北锣鼓巷, Map:
  • 地点变更为: 异旅云(Lost Heaven) 云南餐厅酒吧 ,地铁2号线鼓楼大街B出口,右拐南300米路东(七天旅馆斜对面,豆腐池胡同南侧) Maps:

注: 场地提供无线wifi,有需要的同学可以带上笔记本,以方便交流。

北京GNOME用户组第十七次会议-GNOME桌面安装日/The 17th BGUG Meeting – GNOME Installfest

北京GNOME用户组第十七次会议将于2010年3月17日在中标软件办公室举行, 地址为: 北京市海淀区北四环西路9号银谷大厦20层。 本次活动将采取安装日的形式,大家一起安装中标软发行的GNOME桌面的系统,互相交流,解决安装中出现的各种问题, 提出反馈和找出bug。

活动时间 (Time) : 2010 年3 月17 日(星期三 19 :00 - 21 :30 )

活动地点 (Venue) : 北京市海淀区北四环西路9号银谷大厦20层, 中标软办公室

报名(Sign Up) : 请在本页面底部报名


  • 7:00pm – 7:30pm : 安装前的准备活动, 就餐,领取光盘和奖品
  • 7:30pm – 8:30pm : 中标普华linux的特性 — 由中标软的桌面产品总监进行演讲, 在此期间,可同时进行安装。
  • 8:30pm – 9:30pm : 用户反馈, 提问和解答, 报告缺陷, 填写体验报告
  • 9:30pm – 9:50pm : 抽奖和颁奖


本次活动奖品丰厚, 由中标软件赞助晚餐和以下奖品:

注: 以上为赠品, 数量有限,先到先得。

1. 幸运奖三名: 野餐包3个
2. 二等奖六名: 优秀安装体验报告礼品(带系统的U盘6个)
3. 一等奖一名: 最佳安装体验报告奖(MP5一台),

北京GNOME用户组第十六次会议,与BLUG”Chuanr Night”合办/The 16th BGUG Meeting – joint meeting with BLUG “Chuanr Night”

Because of the Spring Festival , the date of BGUG 16th meeting will at the same day with Jan 4th day of Lunar New Year. Many Bguger will at home together with their families. So we can’t gether enough pepole to orginze the event.
We’ll have a special type of meeting this time  a dinner party. everyone take a topic and talk together.

到目前位为止仅有一人报名,故决定本次活动与BLUG 的 Chuanr Night 活动联合举办
Because there was only one person signed the meeting, so we decided to have a joint event with BLUG Chuanr Night.

时间: 2月17日(农历大年初四) 18:30
地点: 苏立坦餐厅,东直门内大街179号,北新桥
地图: 点此

Date: Wednesday 17th, 2010 (4th day in Lunar New Year), 18:30
Location: The Sultan
Address: No. 179 Dongzhimen Nei Dajie, Beixinqiao
Map: Here
See Beijing Linux User Group web site for detail:


  •   Gnome桌面环境下的菜单管理。
  • 与大家讨论如何有效的组织个人资料(GTD管理)。


北京GNOME用户组第十五次会议与OpenSolaris用户组合办/The 15th BGUG Meeting joint event together with OpenSolaris User Group

北京GNOME用户组第十五次会议将于1月 28日在北京清华科技园创新大厦A座7层SUN公司会议室举行。 同时, 此次会议将和北京OpenSolaris用户组一起协办, 这也是我们第二次与北京OpenSolaris用户组携手组织活动.

如果您计划出席,请于2010年1月25日(星期一)下午6点之前,在以下网址注册登记,北京OpenSolaris用户组将为此活动提供免费晚餐和饮 料。

考虑到网络环境因素, 若你不能点击以上link进行注册, 也可以在本通知底部进行报名。

为避免食物浪费,如不能按计划出席,烦请提前发信到gnome-[email protected] 告知,谢谢!




活动时间 (Time) 2010 年128 日(星期四 19 00——21 30
活动地点 (Venue) 北京清华科技园创新大厦A座7层会议室 Saint Andrews举行
活动议程 (Agenda)

7:00 – 7:10 pm  开场白, 介绍BJOSUG和BJGUG的第二次联合会议活动介绍演讲者
7:10 – 7:40 pm GNOME.Asia Summit 2009 回顾 — Emily Chen

7:45 – 8:15 pm OpenSolaris Desktop Testing Community — Paul Mei

8:20 – 9:10 pm  Source Juicer — Brian Nitz

9:10 – 9:30 pm  自由讨论, 交流


Paul Mei
Paul is the QE manager for Desktop China now, has been in Sun from 1998. He has lots of experience in different areas, has worked for different department of Sun, like software development, software testing, professional service, pre-sales department. He is leading the desktop testing work in OpenSolaris community. He graduates from TsingHua university with master degree. He likes travel and badminton in his spare time.

演讲内容/About his topic
“Desktop testing in the OpenSolaris community”
It will introduce about desktop testing community work in OpenSolaris community, testopia usage, automation work about desktop testing, etc.

Brian Nitz
Brian Nitz has been a software engineer since 1988.  He has spent time working on all aspects of the software lifecycle from design and development to QA and support.  His accomplishments include QA and support of radiology workstations, the successful deployment of over 7000 JDS Linux desktops at a large bank and helping develop the sourcejuicer online OpenSolaris package build environment.  He lives in Ireland with his wife and two kids where he enjoys travel, sailing and photography.

演讲内容/About Source Juicer:
Sourcejuicer ( is web service which allows developers to build software packages online and make them available for download and review and possible promotion into the OpenSolaris contrib repository.  It provides a simple path for anyone who would like to contribute or port software to OpenSolaris.  My talk will introduce this tool and discuss how it can be used by individuals and users groups.  I will also leave open some time for questions.

Emily Chen
Emily Chen is a software engineer working on OpenSolaris desktop. Now she is responsible for the quality of the Mozilla products like Firefox and Thunderbird on OpenSolaris. She is passionate about open source.  She is core contributor of OpenSolaris community in 2009. She worked on Google Summer of Code program as a mentor in 2006 and 2007. She organized the first ever GNOME.Asia Summit 2008 in Beijing and found the Beijing GNOME Users Group. She graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology with a masters degree in computer science. In her spare time, she likes snowboarding, hiking and swimming.

Emily is going to review the GNOME.Asia Summit 2009 in Vietnam, she will bring stories, photos and her experiences to share with you.

北京GNOME用户组第十四次会议与BLUG联合举办/BGUG 14th meeting joint event together with BLUG.


作为双方的核心成员: Emlly, Ray, Fred 和Pockey 刚刚于越南参加 GNOME.Asia Summit 2009返回.。他们将展示本次会议在胡志明市举办的相关情况! 

第二个主题演讲将由OpenOffice.org专家, Peter Junge带来。他会向我们展示一些很酷的OpenOffice.org插件。他代表BLUG出席了在意大利举办的OpenOffice.org会议,关于此会议也将与我们进行分享。

日期: 2009年12月8日,星期二
时间: 19:00
位置: 东直门地铁站以西,东直门内大街 5-15,Traktirr 俄罗斯餐厅
电话: 8407-8158
地图: 点此



In December we will have our first joint event together with Beijing Linux User Group(BLUG)!

As our core members in both group: Emlly, Ray, Fred and Pockey who just came back from GNOME.Asia Summit 2009 in Vietnam. They will show us what happened in Ho-Chi-Menh this year for GNOME! 

Second topic will be given by Peter Junge, expert. He will present some cool plugins of Since he represented BLUG joining the Conference in Italy, Of course he is going to share with us as well. 

Date: Tuesday, December 8th, 2009
Time: 19:00
Location: Traktirr Russian Restaurant, 5-15 DonZhiMen NeiDaJie, DongZhiMen west of DongZhiMen subway
Phone: 8407-8158
Map: here

Click here to register. You are welcome!

Beijing GNOME User Group

北京GNOME用户组一周年聚会/BJGUG 1st Anniversary Party!



到现在已经一岁了!!! 我们准备把2009年11月18日的第13次活动作成一个KTV主题活动, 大家一起来为BGUG的一周年庆祝。 届时我们会制作一个有GNOME标志的蛋糕, 大家一起来分享。同时我们在活动中还会公布成员们为BGUG最新设计和选拔出来的logo。

活动地点: 望京酷姿主题量贩KTV,详细地图和地址参看此页
活动时间: 2009年11月18日 (下午6点到晚上10点)
活动费用: AA制 (预计30元一位, 晚餐自理,可在KTV点餐)


注: 因为KTV是根据人数预定的, 报名后若不能参加, 请务必回信告知, 谢谢理解。

北京GNOME用户组的一周年, 因为有你,才越来越精彩。
