北京GNOME用户组第三次会议/[Announcement]The 3rd BeijingGUG Meeting

Because of the Spring Festival, the meeting was arranged at 14th 由于春节的原因,本次活动提前到14日


时间: 2009-01-14 19:00

地点: “流”咖啡吧(原名“Study英语学习吧”)


报名:点击此链接在GOOGLE DOC中报名。


7:00pm – 8:00pm 主题演讲一: GNOME + robot = Gnobo
8:10pm – 9:30pm 主题讨论二: Accessibility 本地化专题研讨会

本次活动为2009年新年的第一次聚会,我们将提供零食和饮料,一起来庆祝新年。 希望大家踊跃注册,我们会根据注册人数准备食物。

收费标准: 免费



主题:GNOME + robot = Gnobo



  1. 什么是Gnobo
    • Gnobo的目标是在Gnome上搭建一个开源机器人开发平台
    • 开放性、易用性使更多的爱好者更容易的搭建属于自己的机器人
  2. 怎样开始这个设想
    • 项目整体概述
  3. 现在的进展
    • LEGO Tech
    • 已经有了一套基于GTK+的CAD
    • 好的环境
  4. 存在的问题
  5. 让我们一起来玩儿!


王磊(Ray Wang),自由/开源软件爱好者,信奉FSOSS理念和精神。有三年的 GNU/Linux 使用经验,目前就职业于 Novell,从事 Mono Accessibility 方面的工作。北京 Linux 用户组成员。


    对于想要为开源社区做贡献的人来说,可能最简单,最不需要专业技术的就是做翻译了吧。如果你想迅速的加入到开源社区中来,那么就快加入我们当中吧。我们正在为GNOME做本地化工作;我们正在为 Accessibility 做本地化工作;我们正在做的是好事。


Announcement in English

Time: 2009-01-14 19:00

Venue: “Flow cafe & bar (Previous called “Study English Learning Pub”)”)
57th, Chengfu Road, Haidian District, Beijing City. It is 100 meters west to the south-gate of the Tsinghua University, north of the road. It is on the west side, 300 meters away from the Wu-Dao-Kou SubWay Station. You may step off at the bus station of Tsinghua-Yuan through line 726, 743, 731, 307, 319, 331, 355, 438, 628.,
Qinghuayuan station. map


Register:please click this link to register in Google DOC.


7:00pm – 8:00pm Topic 1: GNOME + robot = Gnobo
8:10pm – 9:30pm Topic 2: Accessibility Localization Workshop


This is the first meeting in 2009, in order to celebrate the new year, we will provide snacks and drinks. Please register asap, we will provide food according the the registration numbers.

Fee: Free


Agenda of Topic 1:

GNOME + robot = Gnobo from Ziyan Shieh
Introduction of Speaker

Ziyan Shieh is a student of Third-year undergraduate in Department of Automation Science, Beijing Union Unversity. President of TAAC. Has strong interest on Linux/unix, design and robot. Now focuses on GNOME and hope to build a platform based on GNOME to propagandize for Robot basic knowledge and OpenSource.


  1. What’s Gnobo
    • – Gnobo project aim to build a development platform based on GNOME
    • – More Open, More Easy, Let More fans to build their own robot by himself
  2. How to begin this idea
    • Introduction to Gnobo
  3. Evolution of Gnobo NOW
    • LEGO Tech
    • A CAD system based on GTK+ 2.0 — LeoCAD
    • A good environment
  4. Some problems
  5. Let’s play!

Agenda of Topic 2:
Accessibility Localization Workshop

Ray Wang from Novel


    For those who wants to contribute to open source community, the easiest and non-technical job could be translation. if you want to take part in open source community immediately without any technical background. feel free to join us. We are helping GNOME to localize softwares, we are helping Accessibility to localize good stuff, We are doing good things.
