北京GNOME用户组第 九次会议/The 9th BeijingGUG Meeting 07/15/2009

北京GNOME用户组第九次会议将于7月15日在中标软公司的办公室举行, 详细地址为: 北京市海淀区北四环西路9号银谷大厦20层。如果您计划出席,请于2009年7月15日(星 期三)中午1点之前,在以下网址注册登记,北京GNOME用户组将为此活动提供免费晚餐和饮料,非常感谢。另外中标软还将提供提供30套中标普华 linux桌面产品的试用光盘以及一些小礼品。




2009 年7 月15 日(星期三 19 :00 - 21 :30 )


北京市海淀区北四环西路9号银谷大厦20层, 中标软办公室


  • 7:00pm – 8:30pm HBF(德国伯尔基金会)日常办公电脑由Windows迁移到Gnome/Ubunu平台 -张韡武
  • 8:30pm – 9:30pm Free talk/自由讨论 怎样更好地建立北京GNOME用户组


无, 北京GNOME用户组将提供饮料畅饮和零食

演讲嘉宾 (Speakers) :

张韡武在04年大学读书期间创办锐业软服软件服务企业,以探索实践中国软件服务。 公司服务于企业客户,方案均使用自由软件,目前为德国商会、德外经贸新闻署、 德国技术合作公司等德国知名企业提供广受赞誉的软件咨询、培训、实施、研发服务。

张 韡武在大学本科时即受命领导他的讲师们组成的研发团队,设计军队装备管理软件。 除军队外,他还在政府、外企等不同环境下领导过软件项目,其中有的面向内部需求, 有的面向公众服务;即有Web产品,也有桌面实施;即涉及产品研发的创新,又相关服务应用的扎实;丰富的经历为开放的眼界张本:左眼看需求,右眼看实现; 左手写材料,右手写程序。业界流行实用和理念牴牾,理想和现实角力,可比庖丁解牛故事里的枝经肯棨,韡武专门攻这解牛之术。

http://www.linuxbanks.cn/ 。除了IT业以外,他对历史和出版两个领域都有研究。





海 因里希*伯尔 基金会是德意志联邦共和国的政治基金会之一。 积极和稳固 的促进国际间的合作与理解是伯尔基金会的行动目标。伯尔基金会的核心工作是在全球推行政治教育,致力于促进广泛的民主参与、社会政治交流和对不同国家、不 同文化和性别身份,不同政治观念之间的相互了解,并号召公众参与政治、保护环境、提高公民意识和性别平等。


  • 客户是如何看待迁移,如何与客户沟通。
  • 迁移的方法,计划如何制定和执行。
  • 业务环境下用户和单位的观点看法和需求与社区的不同之处。
  • 估计和应对迁移的风险;


北京GNOME用户组第八次会议/The 8th BeijingGUG Meeting 06/17/2009

如果您计划出席,请于2009年6月17日(星 期三)中午1点之前,在以下网址注册登记,北京GNOME用户组将为此活动提供免费晚餐和饮料,非常感谢。



活动时间 (Time) : 2009 年6 月17 日(星期三 19 :00——21 :30 )
活动地点 (Venue) : 北京融科资讯中心A座八层,intel办公室 Map
7:00pm – 8:30pm Presentation topic: Ccnet Project/主题演讲: Ccnet项目
8:30pm – 9:30pm Free talk/自由讨论

:无, 北京GNOME用户组将提供饮料畅饮

演讲嘉宾 (Speakers)
Introduction of Speaker
Lingtao Pan is a student of Second-year master’s degree in Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University, researches for computer network, especially for routing of the Internet. He has been using Linux for five years, and has strong interest on programming. He want to be able to grasp the programming skills thoroughly, and now focuses on GNOME Desktop System.

潘凌涛,目前就读于清华大学计算机系,硕士二年级,研究方向为计算机网络,特别是 因特网路由。从大一下学期开始使用 Linux,迄今已有五年多。对程序设计有浓厚的兴趣,理想之一是希望能够在编程上达到融汇贯通的境界。目前主要关 注于GNOME桌面系统。

Ccnet is short for Common Creative NETwork. It is intended for a group of users to set up a private p2p network to connect their desktop together.
Ccnet provides a general P2P service to desktop applications in the following sense:

First, it is separated into a daemon server and a client library, other programs can access the services via the client library; Second, the services it provides include messages transferring, files transferring, and even GIT repositories synchronization, and the functionality can be easily extended. One special technique of Ccnet is delay-able of requirements. For example, if you want to get a file from an offline friend, you can just issue the requirement, and the file will be transferred to you when your friend becomes online. If you are offline at this moment, the file will be stored in intermediate machines to increase the chance that you will get the file when you are online.

Ccnet是common creative network的简称,它的目标是给Linux桌面提供一个面向于group的通用的P2P服务,使得人们没有中心服务器的情况下也能协同工作。
使用上来说,与大部分现有的 P2P 系统相比,Ccnet 有两个主要的不同点。首先,Ccnet 并不试图将所有的人连接成一个全球性的网络,而是从协作的视角出 发,为个人桌面环境提 P2P服务,使得一个桌面系统可以和一个或多个group中所有的其他成员的桌面系统能联通起来。其次,Ccnet本身是一个守护进程,为 桌面上的其他程序提供服务,比如通过Ccnet提供的消息传输服务,一个桌面应用程序可以向一个或多个peer发送一条消息;这种简单易用的 P2P 服务将极大地扩展目前桌面应用程序的所能实现的功能。

技术上来说,Ccnet包含了一个目前大多数P2P系统都没有的功能,即请 求的延迟满足。举个例子,如果主机A需要向一个不在线的主机B发送一个消 息,而且主机A自己马上要下线,怎么来保证该请求得到满足该功能对于一个节点在线时间不确定的P2P系统是至关重要的。Ccnet通过 Requirement机制来实现该功能。

程序结构上来说,Ccnet是极易扩展的。Ccnet包含提供了两套机制:Processor 和 Requirement。Processor用于实现两个在线peer的交互功能,比如传文件、传消息。Ccnet 框架提供了一个Processor基类,通过书写一个子类,我们就能实现一个新的交互功能。Requirement也是如此,通过书写一个子类,我们就能实现一个新的种类的请求的延迟满足。



北京GNOME用户组第七次会议/Beijing GNOME Users Group The 7th Meeting

Emily Chen  发送至 gnome-cn-list


北京GNOME用户组第七次会议将于5月 20日在Sun 中国工程研究院 — 清华科技园创新大厦A座7层会议室举行。 此次会议将是北京GNOME用户组第一次与北京OpenSolaris用户组携手组织活动。

如果您计划出席,请于2009年5月18日(星期一)下午6点之前,在以下网址注册 登记,北京OpenSolaris用户组将为此活动提供免费晚餐和饮料,非常感谢。http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=ckkxSi0wRVItZkFCUlNTdUo4djJTVkE6MA..





活 动时间 (Time) : 2009 年5 月20 日(星期三 19 :00——21 :30 )

活 动地点 (Venue) : 北京清华科技园创新大厦A座7层会议室 Saint Andrews举行

活动议程 (Agenda) :

7:00 – 7:10 pm  开场白, 介绍BJOSUG和BJGUG的第一次联合会议活动

7:10 – 7:30 pm  介绍演讲者,每个与会成员轮流自我介绍

7:30 – 8:30 pm Unix-Center社区 — 演讲者 蒋清野

8:30 – 9:30 pm  LXDE, GNOME and OpenSolaris” — 演讲者 Mario Behling

演讲嘉宾 (Speakers) :


Qingye Jiang (John) obtained his B. Eng degree from Tsinghua University
in 1999, and MS degree from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
in 2000. He is currently the Senior Manager of Sun Developer Network in
China. He is also a guest lecturer at the Software School of Beijing
Jiaotong University. Before joining Sun John worked for Beijing CBE-AMD
Information Technology Ltd (a child company of AMD), responsible for
tailoring Linux OS and driver development. Before that John worked for
American GNC Corporation, where he carried out research in inertial
guidance, artificial intelligence, and embedded systems. John’s personal
blog is http://www.qyjohn.net/.

蒋清野,1999年获得清华大学学士学位, 2000年获得美国伊里诺大学香槟分校硕士
学位,目前是Sun 中国技术社区的高级经理,同时任北京交通大学软件学院的客座
讲师。在加入Sun 公司之前,蒋清野曾就职于北京中基超威信息技术有限公司
(AMD公司的子公司), 负责Linux操作系统的裁减与驱动开发。在此之前蒋清野就
职于美国导航与控制公司,负责惯性导航、 人工智能和嵌入式系统等多方面的研
发。蒋清野的个人博客地址为http://www. qyjohn.net/


Unix-Center.Net is a special Unix/Linux developer community. By
providing free access to a series of Unix/Linux servers (including
Solaris, AIX, FreeBSD, Fedora and Ubuntu on x86/x64, UltraSparc, Power
5, and Loongson 2E processors), Unix-Center.Net enables junior developer
to learn, discuss and use different version of Unix/Linux operating
systems without the need to own a Unix/Linux systems.

Unix-Center.Net是一个特别的Unix/ Linux用户社区。Unix-Center.Net免费提供多
种Unix/Linux服务器(操作系统包括Solaris, AIX FreeBSD, Fedora, Ubuntu,处
理器类型包括x86/x64, UltraSparc, Power 5, 龙芯2E)的访问权限,使得新近接
触Unix/ Linux的用户无须购买或者安装就可以学习如何使用不同类型的 Unix/Linux
操作系统,或者是在不同类型的Unix/ Linux操作系统上进行开发。

* 周三晚上我们邀请到第二位演讲者, Mario Behling, President LXDE Foundation e.V

他将会跟大家分享的主题是“LXDE, GNOME and OpenSolaris”.


“Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment”, is an extremely faster,
performing and energy saving desktop environment for Unix and Posix
compliant platforms and OS such as Linux, BSD and OpenSolaris. It was
founded by PCMan (Hong Yen Jee) from Taiwan and is maintained by an
international community of developers. LXDE uses less CPU and less
RAM. It is especially designed for cloud computers with low hardware
specifications like netbooks, mobile devices (e.g. MIDs) or older
computers. Since LXDE is a GTK based desktop environment, LXDE
applications (pcmanfm, lxpanel, lxappearance, lxlauncher etc.) can be
easily built and installed on OpenSolaris. Alfred Peng from Wuhan has
ported the first components and has added the first set of spec files
into the SFE reporitory (SFElx*, SFEgpicview, SFEgtknetcat, SFEopenbox
and SFEpcmanfm). Good news is that the OpenSolaris nwam manager works
great with small memory footprint. The talk will introduce you to LXDE
and the community, current prjects in the summer of code and show ways
how to join and cooperate with this vibrating project.


北京GNOME用户组第六次会议/The 6th BeijingGUG Meeting


时间: 2009-04-15 19:00

地点变更通知:由于原活动地点“流”咖啡吧正在停业装修,现将活动地点改为: 中关村科学院南路二号,融科资讯中心A座八层,intel办公室,(乘公交384或826在中关村二桥南站下)地图


报名:点击此链接在Google doc中报名。


7:00pm – 8:00pm 主题演讲: 介绍Linux上的Google Gadgets项目




主题:介绍与Linux上的Google Gadgets项目



    自幼爱好电子计算机编程,初中开始学习 C 语言编程,高三用C++开发出曾经非常流行的小工具软件 Smart Fdisk。1994年进入清华大学物理系学习,在校期间大部分业余时间都花在了玩电脑上。1997年开始接触 Linux 操作系统和开源软件。1999 年开发出 Smart Boot Manager 工具软件,风靡一时。2001 年停止开发 Smart Boot Manager,转而研究 Linux 本地化与国际化相关技术,率先实现了 Linux 下图形用户界面对国标 GB18030的支持。同时参与改进了众多开源软件对中文的支持。随后潜心开发 Smart Common Input Method platform, 一个 Linux 下开源输入法开发平台。现已成为Linux下最流行的输入法平台,被众多 Linux 发行商所采用。2002 年取得清华大学物理系凝聚态物理专业硕士后加入 Turbolinux 软件公司,负责开发 Turbolinux 系统。随后于 2004 年加入 Novell 公司 SUSE Linux 开发团队,负责国际化和本地化相关组件的开发与维护。期间兼任中国Linux标准化工作组专家和东北亚开源软件论坛Linux标准化子工作组中方专家,负 责输入法相关标准的研究与制定。于2007年2月加入 Google。


Announcement in English

Time: 2009-04-15 19:00

Venue changed:Because of the decorating of “Flow cafe & bar”,now the venue changed as: RAYCOM INFOTECH PARK, Tower A, 8th floor,intel office, No.2 of Zhongguancun Kexueyuan South Street.(Take the bus 384 or 826 to Zhongguancun’erqiao south station)Map


Register:please click this link to register in Google doc.


7:00pm – 8:00pm Topic : Introduction to Google Gadgets for Linux project


Fee: Free. BGUG will provide unlimited drink for every participants

Introduction of Speaker
About Zhe Su:

    I am fond of computer programming when I was young, and started to learn about C Language Programming when I was in junior high school. I created the very fashionable tool named “Smart Fdisk” by C++ when I was in senior middle school. I entered the Department of Physics, Tsinghua University in 1994 and spent most time in playing computers. I came across Linux OS and Open Source Software in 1997 and developed another fashionable software named ” Smart Boot Manager” in 1999. I stopped to improve Smart Boot Manager in 2001 and switched to study Linux localization and internationalization, firstly achieved the goal of supporting GB18030 under the Linux Graphical User Interface, and participated the Chinese supporting work of many open source software as well. Then, I devoted myself to develop the Smart Common Input Method platform, which is an open source input method platform under linux. Now it has become the most popular input method platform under linux and is used by many Linux distributor companies. I joined the Turbolinux after obtaining the Master’s degree of Condensed Matter Physics Department of Physics, Tsinghua University in 2002, and was responsible for the development of Turbolinux OS. Then joined the SUSE Linux Development Team of Novell in 2004 and was responsible for the development and maintenance of the relevant components of the internationalization and localization. During the time of working in Novell, I hold a concurrent post of the China Linux Standardization Working Group of Experts and Northeast Asia Open Source Software Forum Linux standardization sub-working group of experts in China, and was responsible for the related research and development of standards for input method. I entered Google in February, 2007.



北京GNOME用户组第五次会议/The 5th BeijingGUG Meeting


时间: 2009-03-18 19:00

地点: “流”咖啡吧(原名“Study英语学习吧”)


报名:点击此链接在Google doc中报名。


7:00pm – 8:00pm 主题演讲一: 介绍sTeam
8:10pm – 9:00pm 主题讨论二: 读书推荐,分享和交流






    * 互联网的各种通信和交流的服务

    * 如何把这些服务整合起来

    * 有更好的方法来整合吗

    * 整合方案的基石是什么?

    * 介绍sTeam

    * 如何将sTeam集成到GNOME



    i am a unix user since 1992 (starting with sunos at the university, then discovered linux in 1993), first as a student, then sysadmin, and later free software developer.

    i have been contributing to various free software projects, which were mostly based on the pike programming language and being involved in the pike community is what started my career as a software developer.

    since then i have been exploring the world by taking up pike programmer jobs on various places on this globe.

    i came to china because i believe that it is one of the most interesting countries in the world today, and little is known in the west about the real life and culture of china.

    some time 10 years ago i started to realize that integrating communication protocols should not be hard and since then i have been trying to work on this. when i discovered sTeam a few years later i found an already made solution and i have been trying to figure out how to get more people to use sTeam ever since.




    这是一个轻松交流讨论的环节,我们将跟各个成员们一起分享一些值得阅读的,跟GNOME,跟开源相关的一些书籍和电影。 目前推荐的读书列表有:

    Open Source 2.0

    Producing Open Source Software

    Foundation of GTK+ development

    Programming with gtkmm

    电影:关于Linux的影片《REVOLUTION OS》


Announcement in English

Time: 2009-03-18 19:00

Venue: “Flow cafe & bar (Previous called “Study English Learning Pub”)”)
57th, Chengfu Road, Haidian District, Beijing City. It is 100 meters west to the south-gate of the Tsinghua University, north of the road. It is on the west side, 300 meters away from the Wu-Dao-Kou SubWay Station. You may step off at the bus station of Tsinghua-Yuan through line 726, 743, 731, 307, 319, 331, 355, 438, 628,Qinghuayuan station. map


Register:please click this link to register in Google doc.


7:00pm – 8:00pm Topic 1: Introduce to sTeam
8:10pm – 9:00pm Topic 2: Book recommended, sharing and discussion


Fee: Free. BGUG will provide unlimited drink for every participants


Agenda of Topic 1:Introduce to sTeam


    * internet communication services

    * trying to integrate those services

    * is a better way for integration?

    * what are the building blocks for an integrated solution?

    * introduction to sTeam

    * how to integrate sTeam into the (gnome) desktop?

Introduction of Speaker
About Martin:

    i am a unix user since 1992 (starting with sunos at the university, then discovered linux in 1993), first as a student, then sysadmin, and later free software developer.

    i have been contributing to various free software projects, which were mostly based on the pike programming language and being involved in the pike community is what started my career as a software developer.

    since then i have been exploring the world by taking up pike programmer jobs on various places on this globe.

    i came to china because i believe that it is one of the most interesting countries in the world today, and little is known in the west about the real life and culture of china.

    some time 10 years ago i started to realize that integrating communication protocols should not be hard and since then i have been trying to work on this. when i discovered sTeam a few years later i found an already made solution and i have been trying to figure out how to get more people to use sTeam ever since.



Agenda of Topic 2: Book recommended, sharing and discussion


    This is a free discussion session, we will talk about good books which are related to GNOME and Open Source, share our ideas and opinions about those books. We will also talk about movies. below are the recommended book list and one movie:

    Open Source 2.0

    Producing Open Source Software

    Foundation of GTK+ development

    Programming with gtkmm

    Movie: “REVOLUTION OS”

北京GNOME用户组第四次会议/[Announcement]The 4th BeijingGUG Meeting

The first meeting after Spring Festival 春节后第一次聚会


时间: 2009-02-18 19:00

地点: “流”咖啡吧(原名“Study英语学习吧”)


报名:点击此链接在Google doc中报名。


7:00pm – 8:00pm 主题演讲一: 即将来临的Moblin v2
8:10pm – 9:30pm 主题讨论二: 让翻译更快一些




主题:即将来临的Moblin v2




    在Moblin社区的开发下,我们已经能够感受到Moblin v2的强劲势头。Moblin是Linux/OSS在工业主流领域的一个突破,同时也吸引了开源软件社区的目光。在这一节,我们将了解更多来自Intel 的Moblin v2的架构、特点、核心应用以及Moblin的基础架构。





    Elly Liu 2005-2007 OSTTI 管理员。08年3月加入BLUG。GNOME.Asia Summit志愿者之一。主要关注方向:Google Summer of Code, Gnome 本地化项目,QA测试等。最近在参与几个开源项目 (OmegaT+, Gnewsense, GlobalSight),兼做一点本地化人才招聘。

    唐君毅,北京哈工大计算机网络与信息安全技术研究中心,Linux平台下网络应用程序开发人员。从事网络与信息安全相关开发工作。熟悉Linux C,Java开发,对GTK有浓厚兴趣。




Announcement in English

Time: 2009-02-18 19:00

Venue: “Flow cafe & bar (Previous called “Study English Learning Pub”)”)
57th, Chengfu Road, Haidian District, Beijing City. It is 100 meters west to the south-gate of the Tsinghua University, north of the road. It is on the west side, 300 meters away from the Wu-Dao-Kou SubWay Station. You may step off at the bus station of Tsinghua-Yuan through line 726, 743, 731, 307, 319, 331, 355, 438, 628.,
Qinghuayuan station. map


Register:pleaseclick this link to register in Google doc.


7:00pm – 8:00pm Topic 1: Incoming Moblin v2
8:10pm – 9:30pm Topic 2: Faster Translation


Fee: Free. BGUG will provide unlimited drink for every participants


Agenda of Topic 1:Incoming Moblin v2

Introduction of Speaker

    Xu Chen, Intel China OSS and Linux Strategic Program Manager



    With the development of Moblin community, we are sensing the aggressive steps of Moblin v2. Moblin is a breakthrough of Linux/OSS into the industry mainstream, and catches the eyes of the OSS world. In this session, we will learn more from Intel about the Moblin v2 architecture, features, core reference applications and the Moblin Foundation architecture.

Agenda of Topic 2: Faster Translation

Introduction of Speaker

    Elly Liu BLUG member since March 2008. Interested in many open source projects, partipating in OmegaT+, Gnewsense, GlobalSight and other projects recently. Sometimes Elly does do some recruitment focusing on localization professionals and specific programmers.

    Junyi Tang, Beijing Network Security Technology Research Center of HIT, Programmer on Linux Networking. Working about network and info security technology, familiar with Linux C, Java development, fond of GTK.

Abstract: To help the translators to improve the speed and passion to contribute to Open Source projects. We need to fast the process of translation and try to use some of the machine translation tech to help us with the .po files translations. The first database we want to try to use is Google online translation.