Ubuntu/UbuntuKylin 13.10 发布聚会(北京站和长沙站)

在2013年10月18日 13.10(Saucy Salamander)发布了,发布聚会北京站将在本周(11月2日)在清华大学举行,长沙站将在16日湖南大学举办,欢迎大家来参加!!

时间:2013年11月2日(周六)14:00 — 17:00

时间:2013年11月16日(周六)14:00 — 17:00

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[友邻社区活动] BLUG May meeting: GNOME 3.0 demo and openSUSE 11.4

Last meeting, Cheng Dalong was quite unlucky with his hardware failing him right before his talk preventing him from showing us all the fancy new Gnome concepts he was planning to. He will be back this month challenging Murphy’s law by illustrating a step by step “hello-world” tutorial about GNOME 3.0. For those who missed last month announcement Cheng Dalong is currently Software Engineer at Oracle’s Research and Development Centre in Beijing and his presentation is titled “Head First to GNOME Shell 3.0”. Apart from

covering the new features of GNOME 3.0 he will also introduce the philosophy behind the design. In 2010 Dalong received his bachelor in Computer Science from Beihang University and also successfully completed a project for Google Summer of Code. Cheng Dalong’s presentation is available here.

Bin Li In the second part of the meeting, Bin Li from Novell China will present one of the current distributions offering GNOME 3 by default, OpenSUSE, and all the goodies that come with it. Bin Li has been working in Novell China RD since April 2007 and maintains a couple of VPN-related packages for the distribution, as well as co-maintains the NetworkManager and avahi packages in openSUSE. Bin Li is also translator of http://cn.opensuse.org/ in Simplified Chinese.

Also note that Novell is giving away DVDs for the occasion, though as they are still at the customs right now we might use USB sticks to help people install OpenSUSE if necessary.

  • Time: 19:00
  • Date: Tuesday, May 10th, 2011
  • Location: Traktirr Russian Restaurant, 5-15 DonZhiMen NeiDaJie
  • Phone: 8407-8158
  • Map: here
  • Subway: 东直门 (DongZhiMen) Line 2 and Line 13 (+ 3 minutes walk West) OR 北新桥 (BeiXinQiao) Line 5 (+ 10 minutes walk East)
  • Bus: 东直门内 (DongZhiMen Nei) at Beijing Public Transport OR Google Maps

[友邻社区活动] 对话 Mozilla 大师,2011 Mozilla 开发者大会

参与2011 Mozilla 开发者大会,您将:

  • 探索 Mozilla 新技术
  • 领略 Mozilla 大师风采
  • 获赠现场大礼并有机会赢取iPod Touch大奖!


欢迎参加即将于2011年5月10日在北京新世纪日航酒店中华厅举办的”2011 Mozilla开发者大会“,与众多Web开发者进行深入交流。来自Mozilla移动部门,产品开发以及技术推广部门的资深工程师们将向与会者一同分享Mozilla各项开发技术的最新进展。

2011 Mozilla 开发者大会以“唤起网页”为主题,重点探讨如何利用Mozilla开发者专业技术来推动开放网络平台的发展,涵盖涉及浏览器移动开发趋势的讨论,同时对HTML5强大新功能和火狐扩展开发都将进行深度剖析。我们真诚希望通过本次大会,搭建一个学习交流和激发灵感的平台,使广大网络开发者们能从中获益。


另外,火狐社区将为每位到会嘉宾准备来自火狐社区的大礼,并设定抽奖环节,奖品丰厚。希望关心最新Mozilla 技术动态的朋友们前来参会,一睹 Mozilla 大师们的风采,并赢取现场大奖!赶快报名吧!

  • 举办时间:2011年5月10日(周二)下午13:00-18:00
  • 举办地点:北京新世纪日航酒店三层中华厅
  • 报名流程:登录火狐社区 >> 填写、提交报名表 >> 等待审核 >> 寄出会议邀请函
  • 报名截止:2011年5月3日

更多详情及日程安排见 火狐社区网站

2011 Mozilla 开发者大会日程安排
时间 主题
12:30 – 13:00 会议签到
13:00 – 13:10 会议开场
13:10 – 13:30 谋智网络CEO宫力博士致辞
13:30 – 14:15 Jetpack!引领扩展开发的未来 (Myk Melez)
14:15 – 14:25 提问互动
14:30 – 15:15 移动浏览器的发展方向(Stuart Parmenter)
15:15 – 15:25 提问互动
15:25 – 15:45 休息
15:45 – 16:30 HTML5和它的朋友们:Web的今天和明天 (Paul Rouget)
16:30 – 16:40 提问互动
16:40 – 17:25 走进Mozilla 扩展世界 (Jorge Villalobos)
17:25 – 17:35 提问互动
17:35 – 17:50 抽奖
17:50 – 18:00 会议结束

* 演讲顺序可能稍有变化,请以会议当天现场发布的日程为准。
* 更多详情及日程安排见 火狐社区网站


  • Stuart Parmenter : Mozilla 移动开发部门董事,负责Mozilla移动策略的制定。
  • Paul Rouget:Mozilla资深技术宣讲师和开发者,开发众多支持HMTL5的游戏演示。
  • Myk Melez : Mozilla 实验室资深程序员,Jetpack 项目组长,负责创建扩展开发平台。
  • Jorge Villalobos : AMO( addons.mozilla.org )编辑组主管,Firefox扩展开发资深程序员,负责Firefox扩展开发和代码审查。


  • 详细地址: 北京市海淀区首都体育馆南路6号 北京新世纪日航酒店三层中华厅
  • 地铁线路:地铁4号线国家图书馆站D口往南 腾达大厦往东至北京新世纪日航饭店



Mozilla基金会是一个非盈利机构,旗下的主打产品全球知名开源浏览器 – Firefox(火狐浏览器),以促进互联网中的创新和多元化为使命,于2007年6月在北京清华科技园正式成立在华全资子公司 – 北京谋智网络技术有限公司(Mozilla Online)。


cn-community (at) mozilla.com

报名见 火狐社区网站

[友邻活动]BLUG – Guest in town: Brad Stone, NexentaStor Project

Brad Stone will talk about NexentaStor, a software-based storage appliance based on the OpenSolaris Zetta File System (ZFS). Nexenta Systems has been called the fastest growing storage startup ever by the Enterprise Strategy Group. Learn about some of the advanced features of ZFS, and also about NexentaStor’s open architecture for allowing developers to extend the feature set of this storage platform. Brad has worked on enterprise software for 20 years and also founded MenloWare , a startup providing policy-based storage management.
The Nexenta project combines the OpenSolaris kernel with the GNU/Debian user experience to provide a versatile and powerful ZFS-based server platform.

  • Time: 19:00
  • Date: Tuesday, June 15th, 2010
  • Location: Traktirr Russian Restaurant, 5-15 DongZhiMen NeiDaJie, DongZhiMen west of DongZhiMen subway
  • Phone: 8407-8158
  • Map: here

See BLUG website for details.

[友邻社区]BLUG May meeting: Directory Indexing for Dentry Lookup and Digital Art with Blender

Coly Li, kernel and file system hacker working on openSUSE at Novell, also a frequent speaker at the BLUG, will introduce the indexed-dirs feature implemented on OCFS2 (Oracle Cluster File System v2). When the
feature is enabled, an indexed-tree might be built for directory entries lookup. Benchmark result shows, the average dentry ookup performance from indexed tree is much faster than from linear directory file.

Next Clone (Irwin Quemener), an innovative architect working in Beijing, will show how he uses Blender to create digital art. Clone was born in France in 1984, has graduated from a French architecture school and forged his own style over the years in domains as wide as 3D, video, design and graphics. Working for both
locally and globally known organizations in Paris and in Beijing, with one year exchange in the Laval University in Québec brought clone to develop specific skills, such as interactive 3D technologies for web or architecture, and free “open source” creation software for professional purposes. Passionate, he always seek new ideas for his productions and consequently, would be glad to be associated to people from different backgrounds to go further in his know-how and imagination limits…

Time: 19:00
Date:Tuesday, May 11th, 2010
Location: Traktirr Russian Restaurant, 5-15 DonZhiMen NeiDaJie, DongZhiMen west of DongZhiMen subway
Phone: 8407-8158
Map: here

[友邻社区] BLUG April meeting: D Programming Language and Open Document

In April meeting, we will first have Lionello Lunesu, who got inspired by the Smalltalk presentation in Feb , so he decided to present the D Programming Language  and contrast D with C++ and Java/C#, showing that you don’t have to trade the former’s efficiency for the latter’s features. He will also introduce some of D’s unique progamming concepts that are meant to prevent bugs and enhance safety. Under linux, D can be used as a scripting language, completely hiding the fact that your code is being compiled into an executable, so not only programmers but also sysadmins should be interested in D. It’s more similar to a scripting language (Python) but it’s compiled, not interpreted, resulting in very efficient and fast code. The reference compiler is available on all x86 platforms. The source code of the reference compiler is available (although not GPL) for everybody to see and improve. Lionello  is from the Netherlands, he used to work as a software architect for a Dutch software company, creating virtual reality CAD programs.

PeterThe second part of the meeting will be presented by Peter Junge, a long time BLUG member and an expert of open document and OpenOffice.org.  Driving on the momentum of Document Freedom Day on March 31st, he will introduce us the open document standards, especially ODF. If you are interested in Open Documents, you can’t miss it!

Time: 19:00       Date: Tuesday, April
13th, 2010
Location: Traktirr Russian Restaurant,
5-15 DonZhiMen NeiDaJie, DongZhiMen west of DongZhiMen subway
8407-8158    Map: here       详情见BLUG网站