

我们非常高兴地宣布,北京获得2014年GNOME.Asia亚洲峰会的举办权!本次GNOME.Asia亚洲峰会恰逢GNOME 3.12新版发布,通过这次大会,我们可以向外界更好地推动此优秀的桌面软件,加强用户交流。届时将会带领大家一起去探索新版GNOME 3的特性,并让我们一起帮助GNOME迈向更加辉煌的未来。

巧合的是,2008年第一届GNOME.Asia亚洲峰会就是在北京举行的,这次重回北京希望可以唤起您的些许回忆。 作为中华人民共和国的首都的政治和文化中心,北京以其悠久的历史、深厚的文化底蕴、恢宏大气的历史名胜而蜚声海内外,而其艺术造诣和汇集了全国最优秀人才的高等学府更让北京成为内外兼修的绝对中心。随着机场、地铁、公共交通等基础设施建设的逐步完善和升级,我们相信北京能够聚集优秀的本地化和国际化商业和社区资源,为GNOME服务。很多GNOME.Asia亚洲委员会的组织者也都在北京,将会为我们带来一场无与伦比的大会!


非常感谢那些参加申办GNOME.Asia 2014的各位。希望以后我们可以更加深入合作!

GNOME基金会 GNOME.Asia 亚洲委员会


Hosting GNOME.Asia Summit 2014
May 24-25, 2014

We have the great pleasure to announce that Beijing has been selected as the venue of our upcoming GNOME.Asia Summit 2014. GNOME.Asia Summit 2014 follows the release of GNOME 3.12, helping to bring new desktop paradigms which facilitate user interaction in the computing world. It will be a great place to celebrate and explore the many new features and enhancements to GNOME 3 and to help make GNOME as successful as possible.

The first ever GNOME.Asia Summit 2008 was hosted in Beijing. It will be great for GNOME.Asia to come back to Beijing again in the coming year. Beijing, the capital of the People’s Republic of China, has been the political and cultural center of China for centuries. The city is renowned for its palaces, temples, huge stone walls and gates, and its art treasures and universities have made it a center of culture and art in China. There are good airport connections, and train/bus/subway infrastructure. We believe that hosting the event in Beijing will bring the spotlight on GNOME and make an impact locally, regionally and internationally in terms of business and community building.

The venue for the conference will be the BeiHang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), which has been the center of the GNOME.Asia Community for many years. Consequently, we have a very committed local team which is already experienced in organizing a successful event.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the GNOME.Asia 2014 bidding process. We look forward to working with you more in the future!

GNOME.Asia Committee
